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Hardware test scripts reference

Available test scripts reference

The following hardware testing scripts are available during machine commissioning:

Name Category Tags Description
smartctl-short storage Run the short SMART self-test and validate SMART health on all drives in parallel
smartctl-long storage Run the long SMART self-test and validate SMART health on all drives in parallel
smartctl-conveyance storage Run the conveyance SMART self-test and validate SMART health on all drives in parallel
memtester memory Run memtester against all available userspace memory.
internet-connectivity network, internet, node Check if the system has access to the internet.
stress-ng-cpu-long cpu Run stress-ng memory tests for 12 hours.
stress-ng-cpu-short cpu Run stress-ng memory tests for 5 minutes.
stress-ng-memory-long memory Run stress-ng memory tests for 12 hours.
stress-ng-memory-short memory Run stress-ng memory tests for 5 minutes.
ntp network, ntp, node Run ntp clock set to verify NTP connectivity.
badblocks storage Run badblocks on disk in read-only mode.
badblocks-destructive destructive, storage Run badblocks on a disk in read/write destructive mode.
7z cpu Run 7zip CPU benchmarking.
fio storage, destructive Run Fio benchmarking against selected storage devices.

After either commissioning, testing, or installation has started, MAAS reports in real-time which script is running.

You can access the verbatim output from any test by selecting a machine, selecting the 'Hardware tests' page and clicking on the 'Log view' link in the 'Results' column for the specific test.

Hardware test script example: CPU stress test

Here's a simple example of a functional Bash test script, replicating part of the stress-ng script bundled with MAAS:

#!/bin/bash -e
# --- Start MAAS 1.0 script metadata ---
# name: stress-ng-cpu-test
# title: CPU validation
# description: Run stress-ng memory tests for 5 minutes.
# script_type: test
# hardware_type: cpu
# packages: {apt: stress-ng}
# tags: cpu
# timeout: 00:05:00
# --- End MAAS 1.0 script metadata ---

sudo -n stress-ng --matrix 0 --ignite-cpu --log-brief --metrics-brief --times \
    --tz --verify --timeout 2m

This Bash script contains comment-delineated metadata, which configures the script environment and installs any dependencies. There is also a single line that runs stress-ng (a CPU stress-test utility) with various arguments.