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How to use availability zones

This article will help you learn:

You can find more theory about availability zones elsewhere in this documentation set.

How to list availability zones

To see a list of availability zones, enter the following command:

maas $PROFILE zones read \
| jq -r '(["ZONE","NAME","DESCRIPTION"]
| (., map(length*"-"))), (.[] | [.id, .name, .description])
| @tsv' | column -t

which produces output similar to:

----  ----         -----------
5     BizOffice
1     default
4     Inventory
2     Medications
3     Payroll
6     ProServ

How to add an availability zone

To create a zone, enter the following command:

maas $PROFILE zones create name=$ZONE_NAME description=$ZONE_DESCRIPTION

How to edit an existing availability zone

To edit a zone, enter a command similar to the following:

maas $PROFILE zone update $OLD_ZONE_NAME name=$NEW_ZONE_NAME \

How to delete an existing availability zone

To delete a zone, enter a command like this:

maas $PROFILE zone delete $ZONE_NAME

How to assign a machine to an availability zone

To assign a machine to a zone, first retrieve the machine's system ID like this:

maas PROFILE machines read | jq '.[] | .hostname, .system_id'

Then enter the following command, using the system ID you just retrieved:

maas admin machine update $SYSTEM_ID zone=$ZONE_NAME

How to deploy a machine in a particular zone

To deploy in a particular zone:

  1. First acquire the machine, assigning it to the particular zone:
maas $PROFILE machines allocate zone=$ZONE_NAME system_id=$SYSTEM_ID 
  1. Then deploy the machine as normal:
maas $PROFILE machine deploy system_id=$SYSTEM_ID