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How to use network tags

This article will show you:

How to discover the ID of your network interface

You can use a command of the following form to identify the interfaces associated with a particular device on your MAAS:

maas $PROFILE interfaces read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

For example:

maas admin interfaces read xn8taa \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

This would produce output similar to the following:

mac_address        type      id  tags
-----------        ----      --  ----
00:16:3e:18:7f:ee  physical  9   andrpko  plinko  cochise

How to assign tags to a network interface

To assign a tag to a network interface, using both the device system ID and the interface ID, use a command of the following form:

maas $PROFILE interface add-tag $SYSTEM_ID $INTERFACE_ID tag=$TAG_NAME

For example:

maas admin interface add-tag xn8taa 9 tag=farquar

This command, if successful, will produce a long sequence of JSON describing the interface, including the changes introduced by the command above. You can also check your work by listing the tags associated with the device.

How to remove tags from a network interface

To remove a tag from a network interface, use both the device system ID and the interface ID in a command similar to this one:

maas $PROFILE interface remove-tag $SYSTEM_ID $INTERFACE_ID tag=$TAG_NAME

For example:

maas admin interface remove-tag xn8taa 9 tag=farquar

This command, if successful, will produce a long sequence of JSON describing the interface, including the changes introduced by the command above. You can also check your work by listing the tags associated with the device.

How to list tags for all network interfaces

To list all the tags for a given network interface on a given device, use a command like this one:

maas $PROFILE interfaces read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

For example:

maas admin interfaces read xn8taa \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

This would produce output similar to the following:

mac_address        type      id  tags
-----------        ----      --  ----
00:16:3e:18:7f:ee  physical  9   andrpko  plinko  cochise  farquar

How to view tags for one network interface

To view tags for one particular network interface on a specific device, try a command formulated like this:

maas $PROFILE interface read $SYSTEM_ID $INTERFACE_ID \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

For example:

maas admin interface read xn8taa 9 \
| jq -r '(["mac_address","type","id","tags"]
|@tsv'| column -t

Typical output might look like this:

mac_address        type      id  tags
-----------        ----      --  ----
00:16:3e:18:7f:ee  physical  9   andrpko  plinko  cochise