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How to annotate machines

Annotations are descriptive, searchable phrases that apply only to machines. There are two types of annotations: notes (always present in any machine state), and dynamic annotations (only present in allocated or deployed states). Annotations help you identify, characterise, and inform others about your machines.

[note] Dynamic annotations are not available in MAAS version 2.9. [/note]

How to use notes

Notes persist throughout the life-cycle of a machine -- or until you change them.

How to work with notes in the MAAS UI

To work with notes for a given machine, using the MAAS UI:201

  1. Select Machines > Machine name > Configuration > Edit.

  2. Existing notes are displayed in the Note block.

  3. Add notes to Note.

  4. Alternatively, edit notes by changing the text in the Note block.

  5. Delete any notes no longer needed by removing them from the Note block.

  6. Be sure to Save changes to register your updates.

How to work with notes in the MAAS CLI

It's also possible to manage notes in the MAAS CLI.

How to identify your machines

The MAAS CLI refers to machines by their system ID, which can be obtained in this way:

maas $PROFILE machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id"]
|@tsv' | column -t

Typical output might look something like this:

hostname       system_id
--------       ---------
divine-stork   8b3ypp
casual-prawn   4end6r

How to manage machine notes in the MAAS CLI

Add a note to a given machine like this:

maas $PROFILE machine update $SYSTEM_ID description="$NOTE"

For example:

maas admin machine update ke3wc7 description="kilo-echo-3-whisky-charlie-7"

The same command can be used to change the note, like this:

maas $PROFILE machine update $SYSTEM_ID description="$A_DIFFERENT_NOTE"

The existing note will be overwritten by the new one you enter. You can also remove a note by entering and empty description, like this:

maas admin machine update ke3wc7 description="

How to list notes for all machines

List notes for all machines like this:

maas $PROFILE machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","description"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","description"]
|@tsv' | column -t

Output might look something like this:

hostname       system_id  description
--------       ---------  -----------
driven-teal    tgaat6     tango-golf
humble-bunny   srqnnb     sierra-romeo
tough-kit      ke3wc7     kilo-echo

You can also check the note for one machine like this -- note the use of the singular "machine" versus "machines":

 maas $PROFILE machine read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","description"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

 maas admin machine read tgaat6 \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","description"]
|@tsv' | column -t

A command like this might produce output as follows:

hostname     system_id  description
--------     ---------  -----------
driven-teal  tgaat6     tango-golf

How to work with dynamic (workload) annotations

Dynamic annotations persist only as long as a machine is allocated or deployed. They help alert others to the status of your running workloads. Dynamic annotations are managed in the MAAS CLI, but can be viewed and filtered using the MAAS UI.

How to identify machines that can receive dynamic annotations

You can only set dynamic annotations for machines that are in the "Allocated" or "Deployed" state. To identify which of your machines are in these states, you can execute the following command:

maas $PROFILE machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","status"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","status"]
|@tsv' | column -t

Output might look something like this:

hostname       system_id  status
--------       ---------  ------
divine-stork   8b3ypp     Deployed
casual-prawn   4end6r     Ready
driven-teal    tgaat6     Allocated
immune-beetle  43xand     Allocated
good-osprey    napfxk     Allocated
smart-hen      c4rwq7     Allocated
boss-satyr     xn8taa     Ready
golden-martin  8fxery     Allocated
crack-guinea   qk4b3g     Allocated
finer-leech    cy3dtr     Deployed
free-mouse     gxtbq4     Allocated
humble-bunny   srqnnb     Allocated
wanted-muskox  ekw7fh     Deployed
one-boa        by477d     Allocated
great-urchin   srnx4g     Allocated
ace-frog       g6arwg     Ready
alive-marlin   gbwnfb     Deployed
picked-parrot  am77wn     Allocated
tough-kit      ke3wc7     Deployed
legal-whale    8nq3mt     Allocated
game-sponge    76pdc6     Allocated
fun-ghoul      qxfm7k     Allocated
aware-earwig   8m8hs7     Deployed
chief-crane    7fapx7     Ready
select-tapir   4ascbr     Allocated
on-slug        snfs8d     Allocated
polite-llama   dbqd4m     Allocated
frank-coyote   wcmk48     Allocated
usable-condor  ed8hmy     Deployed
still-imp      h6ra6d     Allocated

How to set dynamic annotations

Dynamic annotations, otherwise known as "workload annotations" or "owner data," can be used to keep track of the runtime status of machines that are allocated or deployed. These annotations are set using key=value pairs. You can set any key=value pair that you wish for any machine, although it's probably more useful if you standardise your key names.

To set a dynamic annotation for a machine, you can enter a command like this:

maas $PROFILE machine set-owner-data $SYSTEM_ID $KEY=$VALUE

For example:

maas admin machine set-owner-data tgaat6

This command will return a JSON string representative of the machine's new configuration, including the dynamic annotations you've added.

How to clear or change dynamic annotations

You can change dynamic annotations for a machine simply by executing a new set-owner-data command:

maas $PROFILE machine set-owner-data $SYSTEM_ID $KEY=$NEW_VALUE

You can clear a dynamic annotation by entering the empty string (") as the $VALUE:

maas $PROFILE machine set-owner-data $SYSTEM_ID $KEY="

How to list dynamic annotations for all machines

You can list the current dynamic annotations for all machines with a command like this:

maas $PROFILE machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","owner_data"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machines read \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","owner_data"]
|@tsv' | column -t

This command output might look something like this:

hostname       system_id  owner_data
--------       ---------  ----------
divine-stork   8b3ypp
casual-prawn   4end6r
driven-teal    tgaat6     farquar     foobar
immune-beetle  43xand
good-osprey    napfxk
smart-hen      c4rwq7

How to list dynamic annotations for one machine

You can list the dynamic annotations for one machine by entering a command of the form:

maas $PROFILE machine read $SYSTEM_ID \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","owner_data"]
|@tsv' | column -t

For example:

maas admin machine read tgaat6 \
| jq -r '(["hostname","system_id","owner_data"]
|@tsv' | column -t

This will produce output similar to the following:

hostname     system_id  owner_data
--------     ---------  ----------
driven-teal  tgaat6     farquar     foobar

How to view dynamic annotations via the MAAS UI

To view the dynamic (workload) annotations for one machine -- via the MAAS UI -- do the following:

  1. Select Machines.

  2. Select the machine of interest by clicking on its hyperlinked name.

  3. In the machine summary that comes up, look for the Workload Annotations card.

How to filter on dynamic annotations via the MAAS UI

To filter machines by dynamic (workload) annotations, use the following procedure:

  1. Select Machines.

  2. Select the Filters drop-down.

  3. Select Workload.

  4. Select one or more values from the Workload list to filter the machine list.